Honoring the Career of Scot Danforth

a servant leader
Honor Scot Danforth’s 30 years of service to the University of Tennessee Press with a gift to the Scot Danforth UT Press Director Endowment.
Make a giftSupport UT Press
The University of Tennessee Press is the state’s book publisher and is committed to preserving knowledge about our region and promoting a broad base of cultural understanding to improve life within the state.
A gift to the Scot Danforth UT Press Director Endowment will provide support for The University of Tennessee Press by offsetting the cost of the UT press director’s priorities which may include:
- Publications costs.
- Marketing costs.
- Implementation of innovative programs or projects that address the rapidly changing landscape of scholarly publishing.
A gift to the endowment not only supports the University of Tennessee Press, but also honors the servant leadership of longtime press director Scot Danforth.
Make a giftUT Press
Established as a scholarly publisher in 1940, UT Press stimulates scholarly research in many fields, channels such studies to a large readership, and extends the regional leadership of the University by publishing research projects concerned with the South.